Make $13,000- This year I did not reach my $13,000 goal. But considering that I took off two months to travel at the beginning of the year, and then suddenly quit my job and found a new one halfway through the year, I am very happy with the amount of money I made this year!
Save $2,000 for California- This year my financial goals flip-flopped around a little, and I decided that I needed to be saving most of my money for my wedding, house (I explain that below), and stocking my emergency fund. I set aside $400 for Cali (even though we're not completely sure that's where we're going to move now, but I'm keeping that money there for when we do decide to move).
Save $500 for Retirement- Halfway through the year, I decided that I am going to quit focusing on saving for my retirement, and focus on saving for a house. My thinking is that once I have a house (paid for in cash!), then I will have plenty of money to save for retirement (since I won't be making mortgage payments)! This year I saved $1,300 for a house! That's more than double of what I was trying to save!
Save $700 for my Wedding- Done! And I had no idea that I would be using this money so soon either!:P
Career Goals:
Model- I modeled for my fiancé's sister's photography business, but that's about it.
10,000 Pageviews in one month- In November, I came really really close to reaching this goal. This blog got more views than it ever has before; 8,027! So yes, I am disappointed that I didn't get 10,000, but getting so close to that number has assured me that it will happen in the very near future! Yay!
Get my Band Started- Sadly, this year getting my band started again was not a top priority, and it did not happen because I just didn't have time for it, with all my traveling, and working on this blog.
Find a place to Sell my Crafts- I am selling my record bowls on fiverr, some of my t-shirt pillows and tie dye clothing is at Quonset Hut, and the rest of my crafts you can find on my shop page, and facebook page! Yay! Suuuuuper excited about reaching this goal!
Learning/Development Goals:
Study Chinese 3 Days a Week- I didn't do it three times every week, but I did do pretty good.
Be able to do a Split- Sadly, did not accomplish this. But I'm putting it on my list do accomplish in 2014!
Fun Goals:
Go on a cruise to the Bahamas- Done!
Go to China or India- As you know, I took a trip to China, and had an amaaaaazing time.
Go to Abbey Road- Done! You can read about it here!
See Ben's band play two times- Yupp! Also read about that here!
Health Goals:
Do Yoga 3 times a week- I did not do this three times a week.
Drink 5 cups of water a day- Check!
Eat 1 tbs. coconut oil a day- I did not do this every day, but the amount I did eat is better than nothing!
Eat healthier, homemade meals- Check!
Drink ACV every day- I didn't do this every day, because I only drank it whenever I started to feel like I was getting sick, or a sickness was going around, and it helped soooo much! So I changed this goal.
Eat vitamins every day- Check! And I loooved how they made me feel!
Relationship Goals:
Stay just as happy with Nick- We're even happier! If you don't know why, read here!
Contribution Goals:
Give $456 to Compassion- I am proud to say that I almost doubled my goal, and gave a total of $734 to Compassion! I started sponsoring another child, so I now have two children that I sponsor through Compassion.
Buy jewelry from Eden- Done! Buying jewelry from Eden is a complete win-win; you get beautiful, hand-made, completely unique jewelry, and get to help women trying to escape the sex-slave business! Read more on this here.
All in all, I was very satisfied with how my goals went in 2013. I didn't accomplish every single one, and I did some editing of them throughout the year, but that's ok!
Be proud of what you accomplished in 2013.
*How did your 2013 Goals go?!! Which ones did you accomplish? Which ones did you edit, and which ones didn't you reach? Share in the comments below!*
Peace Love and Goals
Jess <3