2. Don't have a car payment.
3. Don't smoke cigarettes.
4. Don't play the lottery.
5. Purchase my Financial E-Course.
6. Live Cheaply
7. Be Positive about Your Money.
8. Financial Course.
9. Decide what is important to you.
10. Simplify Your Christmas Shopping.
11. Save (and Roll) Your Change.
Money Saving Secret #12 . I don't drink a lot.
This one is HUGE! It is a huge reason a lot of Americans don't have any money. Alcohol costs a LOT. Especially at bars. Especially if you go out once or twice a week, every weekend!
This is a huge one, because I know more people than I can count, that make decent money, but once the weekend is over, have nothing to show for it except a hangover!
When I DO go out, I have a GREAT time, but I don't have to go out all the time to have a good time! I have found fun things that don't involve going out to bars or clubs, I actually prefer not being at bars or the club on the weekend! Sometimes I even go out with friends after work and don't drink at all! I still karaoke and have a great time, but I simply drink water (sometimes cranberry juice!), and don't spend any money at all!
For as long as I can remember, I have always said, that I think people who drink all the time, are very boring, and un-imaginative people. They simply go out and drink every weekend (and a couple nights during the week usually), because they simply can not think up anything fun-ner to do! They can't even have a good time without a drink in their hand! I can not imagine going out and drinking every single weekend, that to me is so BORING! I prefer to have different experiences, go to different places, and enjoy life SOBER!
Oh wow, I almost forgot that this was a post about saving money, not my personal soap box about how I feel about alcohol! Haha. But seriously, just take a little bit and think about what I was just saying...Go and read my post "12 Ways to not be Bored this Summer", to get your creative juices flowing, and start having some sober fun!
And now for the money side of things!
Let's do some math here (I love this part!). If you go out let's say once a week, and spend let's just say $50, not only is that $200 a month (!!!) but you are spending $2,400 in one year...! $2,400!!! That is enough for a plane ticket anywhere in the world!!! So that means if I have to listen to you complain that you will never be able to afford your dream vacation, I will simply point out the drink in your hand, and the $2,400 that you're wasting.
If you cut down to only drinking once a month (which not only your wallet, but your body will thank you for), you will now only be spending $600 a year, which will be saving you $1,800! You just have to decide, if it's more important to you to get drunk every week, not remember what happened, and do damage to your liver, OR, to save up almost $2,000 for anything you want!!!
Peace Love and Money Management Mondays
Jess <3