I hope some of these can help you with your personal budget and finances!
When I was a bartender, I saved and rolled all my change. Quarters, nickles, dimes, pennies, all of it! In a week I would get about $50.00 in cash from the bank for cashing in my change! That's not bad! Especially for "just change" that most people throw out!
2. Don't order soda when you go out to eat.
I wanna do a little math here (and I'm not very good with math, so bear with me :p) Let's say, you go out to eat once a week. A pop costs about $2.00. So, once a week you spend $2. In one month $8. And in one year you spend $96. With tax and everything, you are spending over $100 dollars JUST FOR POP!
And pop is BAD for you! Extremely bad! So just stick to water when going out, and use the extra money for
3. Get a separate savings account, that you don't touch, except to put money in.
And put 10% of every pay check in there. You can use this money for; if an emergency comes up, so you won't have to rely on credit cards, and to save up for important things!
4. Pay off your credit card every month!
If you can't afford to pay for your purchases at the end of every month, then don't buy it!
5. Don't impulse buy!
You might think that your impulse spending isn't hurting anything, because it's just a little bit of money here and there, but I bet if you KEEP TRACK of all your impulse buys for a month, then you will suddenly discover where all your money is disappearing to.
6. Shop second hand
Thrift stores, rummage sales, garage sales, flea markets! Not only will you be saving money, but they are soooo much more fun than just going to the mall. Not to mention, you will be finding unique, different, awesome stuff that you couldn't find in stores! Some of my favorite things ever bought have come from second hand shopping!
7. Remember, "You Don't Need Everything"
8. Stop buying paper towels
Use rags made from cut up old t-shirts instead. Not only will this be saving trees, and helping not fill our landfills as quick, but you will also save A LOT of money.
9. Start practicing the Buddhist principle that less is more
10. Don't use a dryer
Dry your clothes on a clothes rack.
11. Go to Dollar Stores for home care items
Shampoo, soap, razors, deodorant, eye makeup, fingernail polish; these things can all be purchased at Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and Family Dollar, for MUCH cheaper than at most places.
12. Find a "Bent n Dent" store close to you
Bent and dent stores are stores that get rejected good from stores. Whether its because the packaging has a dent in it, it's getting close to expiration, or just a surplus. These stores sell the products for over a 90% markdown! For example, I buy boxes of soymilk there for $.39 At a "normal" store, that same box costs over $3! I get all my nonperishable foods there, and that store has saved me THOUSANDS of dollars. And most of the stuff I get there is ORGANIC. That costs a LOT more at a "normal" store.
13. Don't buy a brand new car
that you're going to be paying off for YEARS. The amount of money you're paying in just interest over those years, you could take and buy a used (but still very good) car!
14. Open a Reward Checking Account
In this one, you're technically not SAVING money, but you'll be MAKING money, from the interest. Ask your bank about this. I do it at my bank and it's so great!
15. Every paycheck, put at least 10%in your savings account
If you do this, it is much more likely that you won't spend that money on impulse buys! For example, if you bring home a $300 paycheck for your week, put $30 in your savings, and the other $270 in your checking. By the end of the next week, you will most likely have spent everything in your checking, simply because it is "there" (Example; you're at the store. Hmmm...I don't really NEED this, but it's only $20, and I have plenty of money in my checking...Ok I'll get it!), but you won't have touched that $30 you have in your savings. That's $30 you won't even miss, but if you do that every week for a year, that's $1,400!
Peace Love and Savings
Jess <3