Your Detox Day
7:22 a.m
This is the perfect physical time to wake up-researchers atht the University of Westminister,
London, have found that people who rise between 5:22 and 7:21am have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bloodstream. So set your alarm for 7:22 am safe in the knowledge that you'll be well rested.
Drink a glass of room temperature water. This will replace fluids lost during the night, and it will help your kidneys to function at optimum level
Get your detoxification started with a massage. Mix 1 tsp almond oil with olive oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil. Apply to your stomach in a clockwise direction untily your hand is above your leg. Then stroke down along your thigh. This aids digestion and relieves
Don't get out of bed straightaway; stretch your body from head to toe for a gentle wake up. Now it's time to get up. Head to the bathroom. Take a dry body brush and use it in sweeping movements from your toes all the way to your shoulders. Always brush towards your heart, as this will help boost circulation, and,in turn, banish dry skin and cellulite. Set
the water to lukewarm-not too hot, nor too cold-wash your hair and use an envigorating
body scrub all over. Towel dry and apply your favorite scented moisturizer, all over.
Time for breakfast. Try this great juice, it will fill you up and get your digestive system started.
Sun Up Smoothie
1 apple
1 pear
1 carrot
1 banana
oranic muesli
Juice the first four ingredients together, then pour the mixture into a blender. In the blender, add some ice one banana, and a handful of organic muesli. Blend until smooth. Drink immediately. Take a milk thistle supplement as a part of today's detox program.
Put on your comfy workout gear and head to the local park for a brisk hour's walk. While walking doesn't burn as many calories as running, research has shown that it has just as many (if not more) health and emotional benefits. Walking can help lift depression, encourage creativity (also known as walking meditation), and tone the butt, stomach,
and thighs.
Today is all about cleansing, so try some suitable recipes. The following ingredients are renowned for their detoxifying properties, plus you'll feel nice and full, so you won't think you're depriving yourself.
Detox Day Drink
1/4 inch ginger root
1 stick
1 carrot
1 pear
Juice all ingredients together. Store in refrigerator to cool, or add ice if required.
Time to do nothing. Today is all about you, so make some time for yourself to do ab-so-lute-ly nothing.
12 noon
If your energy levels are flagging, it's a great time to enjoy some natural fruit sugars with this lip smackin' smoothie
Banana Smoothie
Ideal for any time of the day, this juice is packed full of vitamin B and natural sugars. It will give you a feeling of well being, whatever time you drink it.
1 banana
1 tsp honey
shaved nutmeg
1 1/4 cups
almond, or rice milk
Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix until the banana is completely broken down. Pour in a glass and add more nutmeg to taste.
1:00 p.m
It's been a busy day, so it's time for your nap. Just an hour's sleep during the day can be highly beneficial for your health. According to research, it can make you thinner, happier, less stressed, and lower your blood pressure. This is the tme of day that the pineal gland
releases a small amount of sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, which causes
lethargy. So head to your bedroom, throw a comfy blanket over you, and head off to the
land of nod. Don't forget to set your alarm first, otherwise you might sleep your day away!
Time to wake up your brain and body. Drink a glass of water before rising. Then, head back to your local park for a yoga workout, or if you'd rather not salute the sun in public, to your living room. Put a yoga instructional DVD on and follow the program for a top-to-toe easy
wake up routine (Here's the one I used, I loooove it).
3:00 pm
Filler Up Recipe
4 oranges
handful of acai berries, blueberries,
raspberries, and strawberries combined
Juice oranges and add to the blender. Add the berries and blend until smooth. Pour over ice in a tall glass and sip slowly.
3:30 pm
It's pampering hour. Apply a face mask and use this relaxing time to give yourself a manicure and pedicure. Or lie down with some of your favorite magazines or a book and let the mask do its work.
You've done really well and hopefully you're feeling the positive effects of your detox day. Time for a warming drink. Place fresh mint leaves into a teapot and add boiling water. Leave for a few minutes, then pour a cup of refreshing, cleansing, mint tea.
5:30 pm
Wash off your face mask, then run yourself a warm aromatic bath for further relaxation time.
Aromatic Bath
10 drops grapefruit essential oil
10 drops juniper essential oil
1 cup Epsom Salts
Mix the essential oils with the salts before pouring into a tub of warm water. Turn up the music, light some candles, and immerse yourself fully in the bath. Enjoy the warmth and aroma for at least 20 minutes before getting out and drying yourself from head to toe.
Apply some body moisturizer and put on some comfortable pajamas. If your hair is wet, dry it fully, but don't bother about styling it. Scatter a few drops of chammomile or lavender oil on your pillow and bedsheets and make yourself a cup of chamomile tea.
7:00 pm
Time to wind down from the day, so try to avoid any fruits as they contain high levels of natural sugars. An ideal end of day juice should involve vegetables with a deeper, earthy
On the Beet
1 beet
1 carrot
1 pear
1 stick of celery
Juice ingredients together.
9:00 pm
It's early, but it's time to hop into bed. Listen to some music or read for about 20 minutes before turning off the light. Enjoy a restful night's sleep and look forward to a new, revitalized you tomorrow morning.
I have to admit, I did not go to bed at 9:00(!) haha. But still, the next morning, I looked, and felt soo much better. I know that it takes more than just 24 hours to get your body back in shape, but It just goes to show, that if you treat your body right, it's gonna treat you right!
Also, the 24 hour detox helped me discover yoga! Since doing the yoga session during the detox, I have fallen in love with it! The practice of yoga is SO perfect for me! It's not like every other exercise that I got bored doing after ten minutes, and it makes me feel so strong, and so good, and so powerful!
Also, the smoothie/juice recipes in here are good to drink every day! Even drinking one a day has soo many health benefits.
Peace Love and Detoxing
Jess <3