Obviously you need good pictures and it doesn't hurt to have well thought out captions, but in order to have a beautiful IG feed, you must use presets! Even the most gorgeous picture can use a little boost! Presets have been a game changer for me, particularly with my travel pictures, so I wanted to create a beautiful preset pack that has all the basics you need for your photo collection while traveling the world (or just living your best everyday life)!
This preset pack is super easy to set up, with no complicated downloads necessary (I hate those!). The only download you will need to do is to download the Lightroom app so you can start editing!
1. A preset that looks absolutely amazing on one picture may look not so amazing on another.
2. Pictures tell a story, and it's nice to have options for the mood you want your story to convey.
3. The subject of your photo. I have a beautiful "Sunrise Dream" preset, that looks absolutely stunning when used on a picture of a sunrise or sunset, but doesn't usually work too well on other pictures.
4. I have all 6 presets saved, and whenever I want to edit a photo I try on all 6 and see which one I like best! Some pictures, all 6 presets will look bomb on, and I will have the hardest time trying to decide, and others only one will look good.
They are;
Selfie Queen
Beach Therapy
Luck of the Draw
Little Boost
Retro Love
Sunrise Dream
See what I mean? These presets are complete game-changers! They take pictures that are nice, and turn them into amazing, professional looking Instagram pictures! As you can see, all six of these presets can be used for a number of different pictures with different subjects and backgrounds. And not to mention, with a number of different devices! The pictures in this post have been taken with an Iphone, Go Pro, Android, and our digital camera! |
This is the perfect time to go through all your old travel pictures and breathe new life into them with these super fun and unique presets!
Use the hashtag #mypeacelovelifepresets to show off your very own pictures that were made using this preset pack (I would love to see them, and feature them on my stories!), and see all the beautiful pictures made with these presets, from all over the world!
Peace Love and Presets
Jess <3