American meals mainly consist of: Cheese, Over-processed meat, and white pastas and breads.
Chinese meals mainly consist of: Rice, Vegetables, Seafood, and Tofu (sometimes meat, but it's kind of expensive, so tofu is a cheaper, healthier option).
How to become more Chinese: Learn to cook healthy, delicious meals that use a lot of vegetables, tofu, rice, and seafood.
Since the rise of globalization, McDonalds and KFC have become pretty popular in China, but it is still more of a luxury for most people as it is actually more expensive than normal restaurants there, and so, fast food is only eaten occassionally. Definitely something Americans need to learn from.
How to become more Chinese: Cut your fast food intake to only once or twice a month.
Americans are sooo obsessed with cheese! But cheese really is not that good for you! Cheese really is a food that you can live without. Have you ever gone to a Chinese restaurant? Noticed anything? No cheese. Now, American Chinese restaurants are not real Chinese food, but some of the stuff is the same concept. And they don't use cheese in their recipes. China has been around a couple thousand years before America, and they seem to be doing pretty good without eating cheese!
How to become more Chinese: Cut back on cheese! Learn to make some healthy,
delicious Chinese dishes that use a lot of vegetables, and no cheese!
In America, we see tan skin as a sign of beauty. That is why when we get into our 30's and 40's, we look like we're in our 40's and 50's. We all know that excessive tanning causes premature wrinkling, but we do it anyways!
In Asia however, pale skin is sought after. If you have pale skin, you are instantly beautiful (I think one reason why I love China so much is that when I was there, instead of having people make fun of my pale skin like I did in America, I had people coming up to me on the street telling me how beautiful my skin was!). Chinese girls go to the extreme to prevent their skin from getting any sunshine. They carry umbrellas with them when they walk outside on a sunny day (I did this too when I was there and I loved it), they even have
face washes that "bleach" your skin to make it paler. Now I'm not suggesting
the bleaching your skin part, but I definitely think Americans have some things to learn about protecting our skin from the sun's harmful uv rays!
How to be Chinese: Wear sunscreen all the time, DO NOT GO TANNING (tanning booths don't even EXIST in China), and turn off the American mindset that only people with tan skin are beautiful! That is a stupid and close-minded thought! Read my post about being beautiful, even if you aren't tan!
Chinese people rarely join gyms or buy treadmills. It is unnecessary. Because, their LIFESTYLE involves exercise! They walk alll
the time! To the bus stop, down the street to the grocery store, through side street markets to shop and eat, and after they eat a big meal at a restaurant with friends, they walk before going back home! Also, most Chinese people don't spend a lot of time at their house (on the couch in front of the tv like most Americans). Instead, they go the park and play ping pong, or walk through night markets, and every night at all parks, they have music and dancing (See picture, that's me dancing in the park)! Even the old people join in!
How to be more Chinese: Walk! Take the stairs! Walk instead of taking a taxi! Don't sit in front of the tv all night! Play! Have fun! Go to your local park and ENJOY LIFE!
I have to be careful with this one to make sure that I don't write an entire article just on this!
Western medicine (which is used in America, and the more developed "western" nations) is
the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who use methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions. It differs from Eastern, or alternative, medicine in its approach to treatment, which relies heavily upon industrially produced medications and a strict adherence to the formal scientific process.
So in other words, Western Medicine; When someone gets sick, we immediately shove 500 bottles of (unhealthy, dangerous, addictive) pills down their throat.
Eastern medicine (which is used in China and other "eastern" nations) is based on a
tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary therapy. So in other words, Eastern Medicine is natural, and healthy, and actually helps heal you! It dosen't get you addicted to prescription (man made) medicine.
So when a Chinese person gets sick, they don't start popping pills, but instead, they adjust their diet accordingly, sothat they eat foods that help their ailment, and stop eating foods that aren't good for it. They might get a pressure point massage, or an acupuncture treatment.
How to be more Chinese: Adjust what you eat according to what your ailments are (if you have high blood pressure, stop eating meat! And salt! And all other foods that are extremely bad for high blood pressure!). Book an accupuncture appointment. Get a massage. See an Eastern Medicine Specialist. And cut back on unnecessary medication!
In China, with every meal they drink tea (Compared to In America with every meal we drink pop...hmmm...).
In the book "The Top 100 Traditional Remedies" by Sarah Merson, it has this to say about tea: "Tea contains useful quantities of nutrients like vitamins E and K for the skin and blood...Green tea is particularly rich in bioflavonoids, which help fight damaging free radicals." Does anybody know what free radicals do? Well, free radicals are what breaks down the elasticity in your skin, which is what causes wrinkles! Sooo MY theory is that China's tea drinking habits is a HUGE factor in their youthful appearance!
How to be more Chinese: Drink more tea! And I am definitely not talking about the already made store bought tea with high fructose corn syrup as the number one ingredient! Buy tea bags and make your own tea! Green tea contains the most bioflavonoids, but other kinds of tea is still very good for you.
Maybe it is time that we as Americans, stopped and took a look at how we treat our bodies. Take a couple tips from China.
Peace Love and Chinese Beauty Secrets
Jess <3