I truly hope that today you are not stressed, frazzled, or in any way Grinch-like because of Christmas!
So today I have for you, a fun little project that you can do to take your mind off of things, and relax.
These decoupage notebooks are super easy to make, take almost not time at all, and do not require a ton of expensive, weird craft supplies! Do I have your attention yet? No? Well, they also make great last minute (very inexpensive) gifts, that basically tell everyone that you are a crafting goddess, who makes her own gifts!!!
How about now?!
-A notebook. Big, small, any kind works, I like spiral notebooks.
-Mod Podge, or any other kind of decoupage goo.
-A spongy brush. I got mine at JoAnn Fabrics.
-An old book or magazine, pictures, lace, or anything that you want to collage onto the front of a notebook! If you're making this for a gift, try to get things that the person likes! For example, I made a Beatles notebook, a Bob Marley notebook, and a James Dean notebook. These would be great gifts to people who love The Beatles, Bob Marley, or James Dean! You can even use pictures of you and the person you're gifting it to!
First you will need to plot out the desired look for your notebook.
Cut out pages and pictures, and arrange them on the notebook until it looks totally awesome!
Carefully lay the paper onto the notebook, and flatten it out. Then put another layer of goo, on the top of the paper or picture.
Do this for all the papers, until your notebook is covered.
Here are some of the notebooks I've made!
Now go get your craft on!
Peace Love and Decoupage
Jess <3