I will be continuing the Halloween madness today, with this post about how to do Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett hair, makeup, and outfits, for your couples Halloween costume this year!
We're going to start with the makeup! Here is a tutorial I did, about how to do both Sweeney Todd, and Mrs. Lovett makeup.
And now on to the hair, because let's face it, the hair basically makes Sweeney Todd!
We were lucky, because Nick's hair was just perfect for Sweeney Todd hair. And yes, that is his real hair! His hair is super thick and wavy naturally, so we didn't have to do a lot to it. Just teased it a bit, until it sat exactly so. We pinned the top part back, so it wouldn't fall over. If your man's hair isn't thick and wavy enough, curl it, and do some serious teasing. We also bleached a section of his hair, so he actually had the blonde strip in his hair. He loved it and actually kept it for almost a year!
My hair also worked pretty good for Mrs. Lovett hair. It was a little bit longer than hers, but I didn't sweat it.
The night before, I put my hair in really tight curlers. You want tight curls. The next morning after taking the curlers out, I positioned my hair into two high ponytails. Position them a little lower than the height I have them. Once both ponytails are in place, get a large hair clip, and flip the ponytail over the top of your head, then clip it at the base and over a bit, so the ponytail will fall over the clip, and it will cover the ponytail holder, and looks like the above hair. Then you are going to tease your ponytails like crazy. Mrs. Lovett has crazy curly hair. Once it's teased to perfection, hairspray to hold. If you have red hair, lucky you! You're done. If not, you need a red spray in color. These are very easy to find during Halloween.
I admit it, I thought the clothing would be very hard to find, but it turned out to be so simple! It really just takes some imagination. I took some time studying various outfits worn by both Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett, and formulated what I thought would be great costumes for us. We used a couple things we already owned, and found the rest at the Salvation Army during their 50% off Wednesday. You can't get cheaper Halloween costumes!
Nick's Sweeney Todd outfit was beyond simple. He started with a white t-shirt he already owned, that looks like it has blood splatters all over the neck (I believe he got it at Hot Topic a long time ago), it was perfect. Over that, he wore this long sleeve, collared, white button-up that we got at Salvation Army for a couple dollars. You want it to be a little baggier, especially over the arms. Over that, he wore a really good-looking brownish/greyish vest that we also found at Salvation army for a couple dollars. He still has this vest because it's so nice! Finishing up his look, he wore a pair of black pin-striped dress pants that we got at (you guessed it) Salvation Army, for (you guessed it) a couple dollars!
Mrs. Lovett's costume is a bit trickier, but just as do-able as Sweeney Todd's. In the movie she has a couple different outfits, so I kept those in my mind when we went to the Salvation Army and found exactly what I needed to make my own version of all her outfits. The skirt and the corset are the focal points of her outfit, so I was so glad to find this perfect skirt at the Salvation Army. It was the perfect color, design, and length.
Peace Love and Sweeney Todd
Jess <3