I absolutely adore setting goals, and preparing for the new year, so I had a complete blast!
All this changed a couple of weeks ago, when I heard a preacher talking about setting goals for the new year. I of course got super excited! "Yes! I love setting goals!" I thought to myself. Well, to my surprise, he went a different direction and started talking about doing less this year! "Less?!! What about doing more?!! What about setting more goals, and doing more things?!!" I was internally shrieking. The preacher goes on to blow my mind, and set me straight. He explained that if we are constantly in such a whirlwind of doing things, rushing places, and accomplishing a trillion goals, then we can't be doing those things with our whole heart. Our relationships suffer, we get weary and exhausted, and our life enjoyment and fulfillment plummets, while rushing us by!
He called this "Clarity of Purpose".
I was smitten. Clarity of purpose. Of course!
Being clear, and knowing, your purpose on this earth! And then committing your time, energy, money, and efforts to that! Doing more, by doing less!
Of course, we still have to pay bills that we would rather not pay, do chores and other things that we would rather not do. But there are always things that fill your calendar that are not necessities, and that aren't a part of your "clarity of purpose". So figure out your clarity of purpose, and start to focus your time and efforts on them!
Figure out, and write down the most important things in your life, and why they are important to you. Here is my list. You can add or subtract to this list, but it should look a little something like this:
I love me. I want me to be happy. I want me to be healthy, well-balanced, and successful.
I know that I get tired, depressed, and sick very easily. I know that if I don't take good care of myself regularly, then I am very susceptible to colds, depression, and lethargy. So making time for myself is non-negotiable. I think this one should be high on everyone's list.
- My marriage
I have heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest, and that marriage, in all stages of itself, is hard work. Boy were they right.
I am committed to my marriage, and to our relationship. So I am going to work at it! Even if things are going good, I still want to work at it, being the best wife I can be, and making my man, and us, happy.
- My career
I am wildly ambitious. I have lofty expectations in all arenas of my professional life; My blog, my crafts, and my modeling. Not being successful is not an option for me.
- My family
My family has always been a top priority for me, and always will be.
- Making a difference in this world
This is what my life is all about.
- Work.
I not only absolutely despise my job, but it is holding me back from having the time to work on my career and other areas of focus.
After writing this list out, I cut back drastically at work. Super drastically! I now only work 2 days a week! I work Friday and Saturday nights, because they are the busiest (I'm a waitress), and I make the most money then. I was originally working every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning, but during the week, and in the mornings, I don't make nearly as much money as weekend nights. So after switching my schedule around a little, I now have 5 days a week free, and am making more money than I was originally, working 4 days a week!
After you figure out what needs cutting, and have effectively snipped it out of your life (or almost out!), you can now focus on the good stuff! Your true loves, wants, and purpose!
Now write down how you are going to put more of your time and efforts into your purposes!
I have been a reading fiend since making these lists! I have also been taking regular at least once a week baths! I feel absolutely wonderful, and have a clearer head, and a happier heart.
- My marriage
Now that I only work twelve hours a week, I have plenty of time to keep the house clean, cook dinner, and spend time with my husband. This truly is wedded bliss.
- My career
Now that I am only working on Friday and Saturday, I have Monday through Thursday to work on my career (Sundays I rest)! It is such an incredible change! I get to blog and craft as much as I need to, and it is making a huge difference!
- My family
Every Wednesday I see my family. Every single Wednesday! See, this is important to me, so I make it happen! I most of the time go to my parents' house, and I get to hang out with my family, and all our pets, all day long! If I can't make it there for some reason, my mom and sister will come to my apartment to hang out!
- Making a difference in this world
I have been a member of Partners Against the Trafficking of Humans Stark for a couple months now. After making these lists I decided that I wanted to become more involved, and so I accepted the position of Social Media Manager for P.A.T.H.S. I am so super excited about this, and all the other things I now get to do with this great organization, because of having more free time!
Peace Love and Doing Less
Jess <3