(I'm at Starbuck right now, and I'm havin a good time takin pics of myself with my webcam! Haha. And I'm right beside a window, so thats why there's a glare on the whole left side of my face. But I kinda like it!)
So here's what's been happening/on my mind for the past couple months!
My list would not be complete without mentioning my relationship. It's one of the best things going on in my life right now.
Me and Nick have known each other for 4 years. We have been dating for a year and 4 months now. This is the longest relationship that either of us have had. My previous was 10 months, and his was two. It's just going really good right now, and he is one of the things that I have to look forward to in my life, and one of the things that makes me EXCITED about life (everyone needs something like that in their life)!
One thing in my life I feel very accomplished about, is being a Supervisor in the World's Longest Haunted House (I don't know if you can see my black eye in the starbucks pictures, but that's from working at the Factory haha). I was only there for one year when they promoted me to Supervisor (they had never done that before). My first year there, I got actor of the night, and got my face put on a billboard. Not only do I feel SUPER accomplished to be doing this, but it's also the funnest (not sure if that's even a word, but I don't even care, because it's THAT fun!) job I have EVER had (and I've had a LOT of jobs)! The people there are all amaaazing, slightly crazy (but you kind of have to be to work at a haunted house, and I LOVE it!), super fun, nice people.
So, every weekend, I get to hang out with incredibly fun people, get my makeup did all AWESOME, scare the poop out of people (I've had people drop onto their face on the concrete floor, run into walls, literally start to cry [!], cry for their mommys, and punch me in the face!), and get PAID for it! So yea, every fall, I looove my life :)
Tomorrow is the last day for Factory of Terror, then I can actually relax! And I will get back to writing in here more!
For the past couple months, I have been putting my creative skills to use, by making crafts, and selling them at Sol's and Artistic Alley. It's been really cool to get my creations displayed and sold! I also still have crafts for sale on my Etsy, and at the end of this month, I'll be taking part in my friend's art show, so once everything gets finalized, I'll give you guys the details on that!
I AM working right now. Factory of Terror is not my only job (I wish!). For the past 3 months, I have been waitressing at The Firehouse Grille and Bar. And it's actually not that bad! I usually hate working, and 3 months is usually the time that I realize how bored I am, and find another job, but I don't feel that way there! I love all the people there, they're all really fun and nice, and I don't really even mind the work! I've waitressed at soo many different places, and am actually really good at it! Haha, and it probably helps a lot that I only work there 3 days a week. That's another thing I love about waitressing. I only work 3 days a week, 5 hours a day, but because tips are so good, and the government dosent take it all, I make more money now than I did when I was working my full time health insurance job! So I get to make enough money to live on, and still have 4 days a week to pursue my passions and dreams!
My band Delusional Design, sadly is on a little break right now. Our bassist had to quit, and our drummer just had back surgery, and just had a baby, so now we are on hold until we figure out everything.
Five months ago, I put into reality a dream that I have had for years; write my own blog. It has been such a dream come true; writing about my life, and helping and inspiring people, not to mention how much fun I'm having! Now that I've been doing this for five months, I feel like I'm getting more of a feel for it, and I'm VERY excited to see where it goes, and how it grows in the future. The website has also had an increase in views every month that it's been up, and I'm SOO happy about that. My goal for the sixth month (the month of November) is for 5,ooo page views, and I think that is very doable!
Lately I have had the travel bug sooo bad. Which makes complete sense, since it's been almost three years since I moved back from China, and I haven't been on a plane since! For me, that's a long time! Right now has been the longest that I have stayed in one place, since I graduated from hi-skool in 2005. So, I've been saving my money and trying to make travel plans! Here is what they are so far; In February, me and my mom are taking my sister on a cruise for her graduation present (!), then hopefully in March I will be traveling some more, then in May, my family will be going to Kentucky. Most of these plans are not finalized, so, like always, I will keep you updated on them when I know more!
#9 Planning for the Future
Right now, I am dreaming about the future; What it may hold, what I want it to hold, and all that fun stuff! This includes travel plans, work plans, and personal plans. I think everyone should have their heads full of dreams and plans! Cuz if they don't, they won't know what the deepest desires of their hearts are, and then they will just be stuck doing the same thing for the rest of their life, not ever doing what they TRULY want to do! I am ALWAYS planning! It's what I'm good at, and what I looooove doing. So just know, that my head is always filled with dreams, and hopes, and plans, and that's the way I want it! Without that, I feel aimless, lost, and sad! Stay tuned for more future plans, and in the meantime, go out and make your own! Remember "Many a false step was made by standing still."-Fortune Cookie.
*What are your future plans for life? Comment and tell me! (: *
Peace Love and Life
Jess <3