In case you don't remember, or you're new here, here's the previous 4 tips:
1. Don't own a smart phone.
2. Don't have a car payment.
3. Don't smoke cigarettes.
4. Don't play the lottery.
Do you ever dream about winning the lottery? Of course you do! Who among us hasn't indulged in fantasizing about what they would do with a million dollars (I have, and I don't even play the lottery)?!!
Having fun and dreaming about that is all good and fun, but why plan for imaginary money that you will never have, when you have REAL money, coming to you every month?!!
I know that a million dollars sounds completely unreal and magical, but have you ever stopped to think, that you can MAKE a million dollars? Whaaaaaat?!! Well, if you make 30,000 a year, from the age 20-60, that you will have made $1,200,000? That's right, over one million dollars!!! Now, I know that isn't nearly as glamorous and exciting as making it all at once, because we spend nearly all of it and hardly save any of it! Well, with my help, you will be able to save, invest, and keep SO much more of that money, and 1 million dollars won't seem so far off!
Money Saving Secret #5. Purchase a Financial Coaching E-Course.
For the past couple weeks, I have been writing a series on how to better manage and wisely spend your money (known as Money Management Mondays). I hope that you have enjoyed and learned some helpful things from it!
Today is Money Management Monday, and so I want to take this time to tell you about my financial e-course I have created. If you've been reading MMM, you have probably seen my little plug-in at the bottom of the page for this course, but today I wanted to dive in a little deeper, and tell you more about it. All my other money saving tips are very well and good, but if you don't purchase this e-course, you will be missing out!
What I have done, is created a course, for the person who is wanting to get even deeper into managing, saving, and budgeting money! The person who is reading all these tips that I have been handing out, and starting to implement them into their daily life, but is thinking, "I want more! I not only want to be wise about my spending habits, I want to learn about saving, budgeting, and have a GREAT life, free from financial stress!"
I decided to sell this course, because I have put a LOT of my time, effort, and heart into it! This is something I feel REALLY passionate about, and I wanted to offer something so that people can go deeper into experiencing my passion, and talent at it! I am selling it for only $4.99! When you purchase it and use it correctly, you will make your money back instantly! And over time, it will allow you to save for things you've only dreamed of owning!
Here is what this E-Course include:
-How to Fund your Dream Life!
-How to Make an Emergency Fund
-How to Make your very own Budget
-How to be able to save enough money for anything
-A complete list of all my money managing secrets; the ones I've already shared, and the
ones I haven't even shared yet! There are 13 great tips so far!
-My #1 secret for saving money, that I will not be sharing on here
* 5 Ways to make more money! Two of these involve barely doing anything! This tip alone,
will pay for the e-course twice over!!!
All of this and more for only $9.99!

~Nick~ (Age 24, Ohio)
-In 2010, I bought a car for $2,000. In cash
-I have a Roth IRA that I'm saving for retirement in. I have almost $1,000 in it so far.
-In 2011 I bought a brand new laptop in cash.
-February 2013, me and my mom took my sister on a 3 day, 4 night cruise to the Bahamas
for her Graduation Present. I paid for my ticket, and all my expenses, plus half of all my
sister's expenses, and half her ticket! I did not use a credit card (I don't even own one). I
had all the money in my checking account!
-We drove my car to Florida (where the cruise left from), and on the way home, my engine
blew up (oil leak).When we got back home, I had $300 dollars saved in my emergency
fund, that I used to buy a new (used) motor.
-The beginning of March 2013 (just one month after the cruise), I bought a round trip plane
ticket to China (for $1,400). And once again, did not use a credit card, and didn't borrow
money from anyone. I saved the $1,400, plus over $200 for my Visa, visa pictures, and
almost $400 for hotels, trains, food and shopping when I was there!
-About a month after returning from China, me and some friends went to Kentucky for the
annual Abbey Road on the River Beatles Festival. I paid for my tickets for two days, gas
money, hotel room, and spending money!
-After all of that, I still had over $1,000 in my Savings Account (and I didn't work for two
months [from April to June]!)
and lastly,
-I did all of this while working 2-3 days a week, 4-6 hours a day, as a waitress!!!!!!!
Does that sound like something that is possible? It IS possible! You just need to learn how to manage your money! And with my help, you WILL know how to manage your money, and save up for the things you want!
Right now, using this system:
-I am getting all my bills paid on-time every month
-Putting money aside for retirement
-Saving for my dream wedding
-Saving money for a Europe trip

(This is from my little brother. He was actually the first
person I made a budget for. He makes about $400 every Friday, and before my budget, by the end of the weekend, he would be almost completely out of money! He didn't have any money in savings, and was constantly borrowing money from people.He has only been following his budget for one month now, and already, he has paid off $20 in debt, put $10 in his retirement fund, has paid all his bills on time, and even has $140 in his Savings Account!)
Do you dream of a better life? A life where you're not stressed out about money? A life where you can buy nice things without going into debt or feeling guilty about spending? A life where you can save for your future, and your family's future? It IS possible! Take the plunge. It's only $4.99. And it has the possibility (if you put the effort in) to change your entire life!!! Only $4.99 to make your life, and the life of your family, more stable, full of joy, and stress-free! I have put my whole heart into this course, and believe fully in it! Please take this step! You will not regret it, and will be SO happy you did! Take the step to change your future TODAY!
Peace Love and Your Financial E-Course!
Jess <3