1. Don't own a smart phone.
2. Don't have a car payment.
3. Don't smoke cigarettes.
4. Don't play the lottery.
5. Purchase my Financial E-Course.
6. Live Cheaply
For my 7th installment of the Money Management Mondays Series, you will get to hear from a guest blogger! I found this article on her blog, absolutely loved it, asked her if she would be interested in guest blogging for me, and here we are!
About the author:
Billie Gardner writes weekly articles for Desire to Done where she helps empower women to get inspired and make their dreams a reality.
So here is Billie Gardner's Contribution to Money Management Mondays! (:
about when you only get a few bucks? Are you still pretty happy? Or do you just wish it was
What about when you pay your bills or buy groceries? Do you feel resentful that your hard earned cash is going towards electricity, shelter, and food? Do you wish you were spending it on something more fun, like clothes, vacations, or a new computer?
I want you to try something new.
Something that has the potential to bring more money into your life. I believe that if we have a positive association with money we attract more of it. The universe is very smart and picks up on our vibes. If we sometimes deal with money in a positive way and other times in a negative way, well that just confuses things. Do we like money or don't we? However, when we are happy for how little or how big, whether we are paying or receiving money, we make it known that we like money and we would love to have more of it!
From now on, when you deal with money, say a little blessing. Something like "I bless this money. I am grateful to receive this check" or "I bless this money. I am grateful to buy this food to nourish my family" While you're at it, bless the company you are getting the check from or giving the check to. Bless the person ringing up your items at the store checkout.
This will take some practice
Breaking habits, especially when letting go of money, can be hard to break. Posting up a reminder is an excellent way to remember to make it a habit. Place a note in the area where you pay your bills or in your checkbook to remind you.
If you think this is a little out there, that's okay.
Give it a try. If anything, it helps create the "gratitude habit", a good habit which will bring more abundance in all areas of your life. A happier life, more friends, love, positive experiences are all abundances that aren't even money related.
I'd love to know how you feel about money. Do you have a similar way you relate to it?"
Peace Love and MMM
Jess <3