'Amazing Creams and Lotions', originally called 'Sandy York's Lotions', was started in 1998 by Sandy York, who suffered from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and whiplash from a car accident. She had always had a passion for herbs, but it all started falling together when she felt God tell her to make her own cream, so she could be relieved from her pain once and for all! So she did, and this cream is none other than their #1 Seller, Green Cream!
In 2006 after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Sandy moved from Indiana to Ohio, to share with her niece Jen, the secrets to her business. She died a short time later in 2007, but not before imparting to Jen the recipes for her creams and lotions.
Because her aunt Sandy has not been the only loved one Jen has lost to cancer, her passion, alongside of anything having to do with art and creativity, is making products free from carcinogens, sulfates, and unnecessary harmful chemicals.
She would love for her and her business to be know for anti-cancer; and that is exactly what she is doing! Most of you already know, that this is a topic I am very opinionated on. We need to stop giving millions of dollars to 'cancer research' centers. They don't do anything! My mom knows someone who used to work at one of these places, and she told us that they don't do anything! Read my article that I wrote over a year ago about Chinese health and wellness secrets. In it, I stated that one day I was talking to one of my Chinese friends, and he told me that he had never known anyone ever who had cancer. Americans are poisoning ourselves; from what goes into our bodies, to what goes onto our bodies! This is why Jen's natural body-care products are so important! Once we remove the carcinogens, sulfates, and unnecessary harmful chemicals from our everyday lives, that is when we will stop killing ourselves with cancer!
Jen is not only a holistic healer, she is a scientist; she make all of the creams, lotions, sprays, body scrubs, face washes, pain relievers, soaps, deodorants, and potions in her lab in her basement! So you know exactly where all of the products come from, and the labels she makes clearly tell you what is in them! THAT is how we will stop cancer!
It is amazing what can happen when you start to incorporate holistic health into your life!
So don't hesitate, and visit their site, or store today! Do it for your health, your family's health, and your future!
I had a blast talking to Jen. She was so open, friendly, and genuinely caring! I absolutely adore, and stand by her products, and her business. And, I think her aunt Sandy would be very proud of her.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmazingCreamsLotions
Website: www.amazingcreamsandlotions.com
Phone: (330)756-0170
**11-8-2016 edit, this is their new address!**
Business Address: 1002 Winesburg Street
Email: [email protected]
From now until
Christmas, Amazing Creams and Lotions is running an in-store
15% off sale! Their products make GREAT Christmas presents, so hurry and buy today!
Peace Love and ACL
Jess <3