Rebel Hair Wear is a wonderful hair accessory business that I happened to stumble upon on instragram, when I spotted pictures of their beautiful hair accessories! Edith hand-makes all her hair accessories, so each one is hand made with love, and totally unique! Check it out!
"Well first off, my name is Edith. I am a hairstylist with a passion for hair and anything hair related. I started making hair accessories as a hobby, eventually I made so many my friends started encouraging me to sell them. To be quite honest, I wasn't too confident in my designs in the beginning, so I continued to make them as a hobby, and after about a year and some major improvement, I went to make my hobby into a business.
My designs are all over the place! I've got some rockabilly, some more glamorous designs, some dark/goth style stuff, or even some bohemian/hippie styles. I like all kinds of different things, I do not conform to a certain style because that's not me! I like all kinds of stuff and I want to share that with open-minded people!
One of the hardest things was coming up with a name, I wanted it to be something different and catchy, but also something with purpose. Rebel Hair Wear represents more than just hair accessories and hair obession, but the term "rebel" refers to the rebels of conformity. It's an encouragement to be who you are and wear what you like because you want to, not because anyone tells you to. It's not just about fashion, but a mindset.
I believe in equality and fairness in any relationship. I encourage women not to conform to the laws of society, this is not the 1950's mijita! I love the style, but not the lifestyle! I used to say "I think I was born in the wrong era", but I am not a girl that's gonna let a man tell me what to do. No sir! We are just as valuable, if not more (you wouldn't be here if it weren't for a woman). Don't ever feel inferior and do NOT let a man treat you any less. People will treat you the way you LET them treat you (that goes for men and women alike).
It's the same with your style. Don't let anyone push you around just because you have pink hair or like a certain style or music. So you're different? That's not a bad thing, in fact I think it's a compliment!
Your style does not define who you are, I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is more to people than that. Keep in mind just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean YOU have to and if you're the "weirdo" doing it different or "wrong", who cares?!! If you're comfortable that way, then do it!
Think for yourself. My biggest message to people is that. People may not like you, but people may still not like you if you pretend to be someone you're not and in that case it's worse because now they hate you and you put on a show for nothing. So just be you, do what you like, and like I always say do what you want.
"To those who can agree, rebel against conformity!"
<3 Edith
Wonderful! I couldn't have said it better myself. Here is some examples of her work.
Beautiful! So what are you waiting for?! Head on over to Rebel Hair Wear and buy some of these beautiful pieces! |
Jess <3