Perfect skin. It's something everyone wants, but yet, it is one of the hardest things to aquire. For years, I have struggled with my skin. I never had very good skin, but after years of research, trial and error, me and my skin have come to an understanding. It still isn't perfect (whose is?), but right now I am happy with my skin, and I wanted to share my secrets with YOU! Because really, when your skin looks good, you feel good. Now, I do have to warn you that my tips will not yield overnight results (nothing good ever does), so you need to be patient and keep consistent with them. Do some trial and error of your own, figure out what works for you, and what doesn't. Just because all of these things work for me, doesn't necessarily mean that they will work for you.
Secret #1. Drink More Water!
I know that this one is a pretty obvious one, and that people are always telling you that you need to drink more water, but honestly, I can tell a visible difference in my skin when I drink a lot of water one day and not the next. Water is the life source of everything. We need it to survive, and we also need it to thrive. Water replenishes your skin cells, and it flushes out wastes, removing toxins. H2o=Amazing skin!
I know that you hate me right now for even suggesting this! But if you are truly serious about getting better skin, just hear me out. I read Dr. Jessica Wu's amaaazing book, "Feed Your Face (go read it, it's BRILLIANT!)." The book is all about the connection between what goes INTO your body, will show ON your body! The absolute best thing I got out of that book was her talking about how bad dairy is for you. She said that if you have problem skin that you just can't get to clear up, try cutting dairy out of your diet! So I did (and I also discovered that I was lactose intolerant by doing this). And it worked! And now I notice that I feel sooo much better now that I'm not eating dairy! And if i do eat it, it is NOT pretty. Everybody always says to me, "I don't know how you do it! I could NEVER do that! I could never give up cheese!" Well, if you want to clear up your face, and just feel better in general (Americans consume waaay too much dairy in general), give up dairy for a couple months and see how you feel. And if you refuse to do that, at least cut back on it.
I looove Baking Soda! It is so useful for SO many things! This scrub is super simple to make and use. All you do is put a little bit of baking soda in a bowl, then mix a liiiiiitle bit of water in with it so it forms a paste. Twice a week, after you are done washing your face at night, use this paste to scrub your face. But remember to BE GENTLE with your face; Don't use more than twice a week, don't scrub around your delicate eye region, and don't literally "scrub" your face. Just gently rub your skin with it. Also, if you have blackheads, just leave it on them for a couple minutes, then continue scrubbing your face. Rinse with lukewarm water then apply your normal moisturizer. Which brings me to our next secret...
I used to never use moisturizer because I thought it would make me break out even more. But then I learned, that even oily skin needs some moisturizer! Just be sure to use a non comedogenic kind. Which brings me to our next secret...
Secret #5. I loove MaryKay's Time Wise Skincare Line
This skincare line is soo amazing and I love it! Use it!
Secret #6. Don't forget to eat your fruits and veggies...
and tofu, and whole wheats, almond milk, brown rice, tempeh...all that stuff that is actually HEALTHY for your body! Of course you are going to look and feel terrible if you keep putting chemicals and poison in your body! Stop and actually READ the ingredients before you eat it! If you can't pronounce it, it's a man-made chemical! It is NOT meant to eat! Why do you think everyone in America is overweight, apathetic, unhappy, and dying! OF COURSE if you eat POISON, you are going to get SICK! Just remember that. It is sooo unbelievably simple, and obvious! Don't eat poison. You wouldn't drink a big can labeled with a skull and crossbones that says "Poison", so why would you consume something that says "High fructose corn syrup" and "Aspartame (both of which WILL poison your body!)"?!! Just think about it...un-brainwash yourself from what society says, and from what they expect...just think about it...and choose for yourself...
Well there you have it! My top 6 Secrets for Clearer Skin (and just general well being in general I guess!)
Now, go get started (Aren't you EXCITED?!!)!
Peace Love and Clear Skin
Jess <3