I can tell, that this chapter of my life, of me living in Ohio, is about to close (for now at least, I'm sure I'll be back sometime, but if and when that happens, it will be a brand new chapter!). I've known for some time that this was coming, much like when you know that the winds are about to start. And now, the wind has started!
I've been wanting to leave Ohio for a while now. When I moved back from China 3 years ago, I ADORED Ohio! I was so happy to be back; I got to be with my family, and I had SUCH an amazing time! The first year of being back, I was in bliss, and ever since then, life has slowly got too comfortable, too predictable, and too boring. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Ohio, and I still manage to have fun, but this is the longest I've been in one place since I graduated high school eight years ago! A couple months ago, I just knew that something had to change. Now, ever since getting back from the cruise (about a month ago), that feeling has manifested itself more than ever before! In this last month, so many things have been telling me that it is time:
One of the things I have slowly realized, is that Ohio people (for the most part) are not kind. They are not the kind of people I need to surround myself with; to help me grow, help me become a better person, and share in my journey with! I have been realizing how toxic and poisonous an environment most of the people are around here! In the different countries and states I have been to, total strangers have treated me with more kindness and respect than some people I know around here!
I'm not meant for the cold, chilling winter days of Ohio, the cold shoulders of angry, bitter Ohioans, and the ugly barren Ohio winter landscape. I was meant for more. My body longs for more. And that's what I am going to get.
For now, I am just going to keep meditating, listening to my instincts, and listen to what my being is telling me.
I am very excited to see where the winds of change take me...
Peace Love and Change
Jess <3