The whole idea for my Things I Want to Do Before I Die List came about when I was in high school. It wasn't a huge flash of brilliance or anything, but I just thought to myself, "I want to make a list of things I would like to do before I die!" So maybe it was a flash of brilliance! Most of you have probably seen the movie the Bucket List. Well, for simplicity sake, my list is pretty much the same concept as that (but I did not copy the idea, Bucket List came out in 2007, and I made my list in 2003).
So that all being said, having a list of things you want to do before you die, or a bucket list, whatever you want to call it, is a huge part of living your life the way YOU want to!
If you look on my TIWTDBID (Things I Want to Do Before I Die) page, I have pictures of things that I have done and crossed off my list. This is for you to see how amazing that list can be! How it can inspire and motivate you to actually do those things! Who would have thought that one day I would actually ride an elephant, go to china, or pet a tiger! But because I wanted to do those things bad enough, I wrote them on my list, and I made SURE that they happened! Now, I'm not saying that this list is some magical thing where you write things down and they instantly happen! Noooo...sometimes you have to work HARD to make the things happen! # 2 on my list was to learn Mandarin Chinese. I studied harder than I have ever studied for anything, for two years to make that happen! Sometimes I would walk out of class feeling like my head was going to explode (Mandarin Chinese is one of the hardest languages in the WORLD to learn). But I knew that was something I wanted to do, and that made it easier to stay motivated!
Your list does not have to be some elaborately written plan on expensive fancy stationary. It can be! If that's what you want! My list is written on the inside of a cute notebook that I bought in a little market in China. I simply numbered, then wrote out all my goals! And I have room in it so I can write down more things whenever they come to me. Yupp, I still am thinking of things I wish to accomplish before this life is over! That's what helps keep me going! To keep thinking of more things I WILL accomplish! And to put a checkmark beside everything that I already accomplished! It's a very good feeling!
So get your notebook, or piece of paper, and start writing! Write even the little things! It doesn't matter if it's a big goal, or a small goal. As long as it is something that you REALLY want to do. Along with having some BIG goals on mine (adopt a kid, write a book), I also have some small things (learn to play guitar, learn to drive stick) that some people would think isn't too exciting, but they are things that I want to do! So don't worry about what anyone thinks, and start writing!
When you are finished writing, I can guarantee you that just LOOKING at that piece of paper will make you feel better and more accomplished! So after your done, put it somewhere where you will remember it, or even hang it on your wall! The point is, that every once in a while, don't forget to look at it, and make sure you are headed in THAT direction.
(P.S can you tell by all the CAPITAL LETTERS that this is something that gets me REALLY excited?!! Haha)
(P.S.S for those of you who are curious, as of today, I have 57 things on my list. 41 of them are completed!)
Peace Love and TIWTDBID
Jess <3