I am starting a new weekly post called, "World Changing Wednesdays." Now, I am aware that the name of my first weekly post, "Money Management Mondays" is a bit cheesy, and now I'm adding a, "World Changing Wednesdays" to the mix! But I'm ok with cheesy! I think it's cute, and besides that, catchy and easy to remember! I am very excited about this, and it all started yesterday at the zoo...
On World Changing Wednesdays I want to share with you, real people's stories of changing the world, organizations you can partner with to change the world, little everyday things you can do to change the world, and give you inspiration and hope that you CAN do something powerful.
So stop by every Wednesday, because we need each other, and the world needs us. Let's unite, to form a force so powerful, that the whole world will see a change. We CAN and we WILL do this! So please, click the button below that says comment, and comment saying, "I Will Join." Then click the facebook share button, and the twitter button, and share this link, and this story with your friends! We need to get this out there, and share it with as many people as we can! I am SO excited to see how much good we will do, and how we will change this world!
Please comment, and please share! And stop by next Wednesday!
​Peace Love and World Peace
Jess <3