Since I haven't posted a WCW post in over a month, I wanted to go over real quick the previous WCW challenges, and for those of you who are new here, go over what WCW is all about!
In my first World Changing Wednesdays Post, I wrote about what I want to accomplish from this movement. I wrote about how we can change the world! And we will! So go here to read that if you haven't already!
It was in my second post, that I told you that I know that sometimes it can be difficult to know where to actually start; how to actually go about changing the world, and touching people's lives. I shared with you the most basic, yet probably the most important thing you can do to start creating miracles all around you. If you do this, there is no stopping your potential! Read all about that here. This step is extremely important!
I then presented to you a challenge; the challenge to be always willing, and always open, so
that when you're presented with an opportunity, you'll recognize it! A lot of us are so pre-occupied with our own lives, our own dramas, and our own struggles, that it completely blocks our vision to others. You will find that when you stop worrying about yourself so much, and start thinking of others, that that is when your eyes and heart will truly be opened to the needs and struggles of those around you. And this is when you will find opportunities.
So I challenged you to go into your daily lives with your eyes and heart open for available opportunities to create change. I told you 5 great places to start; Work, Restaurants, Your
neighborhood, Your home, and School.
My fourth WCW post was written on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a Dream" Speech. You can read that here.
The first Method I will be sharing with you, is how you can fund your World Changing Quest, because let's face it, using your money is a huge way you can change the life of a person, and this world.
This is my 10% Method.
And that is it!
That is how I fund my world changing!
I put 10% in my envelope when I make tips at work, and all the money that I make here on this website. It's really that simple.
Now you might be thinking, "I make $30,000 a year, that's $3,000 in my 10% envelope! I don't want to put that much in, that's a lot of money!" I want to address that statement, because it can be very easy to look at all the money you're putting in that envelope and freak out because it's not going towards buying anything for yourself, paying for your bills, or saving for your future. I used to catch myself thinking that I would just have so much more money if I didn't put 10% of it toward the greater good. But I want to encourage you to just try it. First of all, 10% really isn't that much! If you do make $30,000 a year, and put $3,000 in your 10%, you still have $27,000! Secondly, you will find, that when you stop focusing on yourself, and start giving away your money, not only will you feel incredibly amazing (you won't be able to spend $3,000 any other way that will make you feel this good, that's a promise!!!), but you will find, that the more money you give away, the more money will find it's way to you! I really don't have any scientific facts about this or anything, but it really does seem to work that way! When you start giving away 10% of your money to help people, you will find that it really doesn't make a dent in your finances, and you will be richer than you were before! I know it definitely works this way for me; when I start feeling stingy with my money, and don't put 10% of it away because I'm so worried about not having enough, that is when I start having money problems!!!
I don't want to just tell you what to do with your money, because changing the world means something different to every person! So sit and think about what changing the world really means to you, and what you want to put your hard-earned money towards. In my next WCW post I will give you a bunch of ideas of what you can do with your newfound world changing money!
Until then, get an envelope and on it write 10% money, world changing fund, or whatever you want, and then start putting money in it! You can also start a list of ways you would like to spend it! I'm not going to post the next WCW post for a couple weeks, because I want you to have a good amount of money saved up, so after you read the post you can start putting that money to great use!
Peace Love and WCW
Jess <3